Montara Major Development
About the Project

This is a proposal for a major development of a new 22-room, 3-story hotel with underground parking on the first story (20,603 square feet total) located at 1350 and 1390 Main Street (APNs 036-052-030 and 036-052-150) in the Montara area of unincorporated San Mateo County. This project will require a Coastal Development Permit, Design Review Permit, Use Permit, Grading Permit, and Merger. The project would include the removal of several significant trees. At least five parking spaces are required by the Zoning Regulations; 15 parking spaces are proposed including 1 accessible parking space. The formal application for the proposed development was submitted concurrently with the pre-application.

Pre-Application Meeting

A Major Development Pre-Application Meeting for the hotel was held on November 17, 2020.

Case Number

PLN 2016-00328